The Spiral Times: C H A N G E | BB

With BB

This month’s spiral investigates the ever-present, ever-precious, sometimes painful process that underpins our human and natural worlds. Yes! In September, it's time to C H A N G E. Through sound and ideas, we’re digging into transformation, transmogrification, and of course, transition. Just as day follows night and steam follows sauna, change is all around us, we crave and fear it. Tunes about and inspired by life as a process of permanent transition, selected to help you meditate on the seasonal change that will soon be upon us, and shore up your resources to get ready to submit to God (which is Change.)

My special guest host this month is no stranger to the spiral way. It’s Yves Sanglante an artist and legend whose musical, curatorial and organising practices use untold histories as a wand and a weapon to conjure the change we need. A genius, a BFF, and truly a dream guest for the show. Expect filth, guts, joy, bangers and absurdity. The Spiral Changes.