mixed feelings | Dana Cermane & Alicia Sort Leal

With Mixed Feelings, Dana Cermane and Alicia Sort Leal

This video episode of mixed feelings is hosted by Dana Cermane in German Sign Language and features an interview with Alicia Sort Leal. Alicia is the illustrator of Tais, a deaf and feminist character who confronts the world head-on. She narrates with humor and irony the small stories that we all experience and openly criticizes the ignorant individuals in her environment through social media (Instagram @Tais.illu)

mixed feelings is expanding the radio experience. Refuge Worldwide is proud to present a new series of radio shows embracing the diverse talents and stories of artists from the disabled community. It will experiment with multiple ways of broadcasting, with radio episodes accompanied by sign language and others in spoken language, both featuring English subtitles. Read the full feature here.

mixed feelings is part of the initiative DRAUSSENSTADT, funded by the Berliner Projektfonds Urbane Praxis and the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaflichen Zusammenhalt.