Peripheral Vision | Gonsher & Ezra Miller
- Interview
- Electronic
- Storytelling
Black History Month show. This episode highlights Black musicians of today from various genres.
Say it Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud) - James Brown
TEMPORAL TECHNOL - Black Quantum Futurism
watch night service - Black Quantum Futurism
Unicorns In Paradise - Laraaji
Like Orchids - Space Afrika
An Anthem - composed by Demi S.H. Ward (m.x.mun) featuring Les Cenelles
Violin - Denise Frazier
Viola - Demi S.H. Ward (m.x.mun)
Bass - Peter J Bowling
Accordion - Jonathan Mayers [Sample credit: Sonia Sanchez's 'An Anthem' (for the ANC and Brandywine peace Community)]
Honest Labour ft HforSpirit - Space Afrika
Candice Nembhard/okcandice - Bloom
JP Nembhard - How Do We Move?
Ladybird Drone - Space Afrika
Live in the world - Alero
Slow Dance - Beverly Glenn-Copland
they were just too far away - KMRU
day zero - Black Quantum Futurism
cradle - m.x.mun
waiting for the hour - Black Quantum Futurism
Unicorns In Paradise - Laraaji