Refugee Week: International Rescue Committee: The Notion of Home | Bridges Over Borders, Maho, Salma Hamed, Abibi & TRISHES

With IRC, Bridges Over Borders, Maho, Salma Hamed, TRISHES, and Abibi

Home means something different to all of us – a familiar place, a feeling of security or simply time with people for whom you don't need a social battery.

For some, music is a safe haven in an unfamiliar place, an escape that represents or reminds them of home. Especially for people who have been displaced, music oftentimes becomes that exact save haven. A home away from home. At the same time, music can be an entryway to becoming a part of a community, to sharing a passion with like-minded people. Music lets one remain connected to one home while creating a new one.

The International Rescue Committee invites various guests to participate in conversations on the notion of home.

What does home mean to you? How has music helped you feel at home? Has your idea of home changed throughout your life?

Enjoy listening to these interesting, personal and unique conversations with community members from the IRC and Bridges over Borders, as well as musician and activist TRISHES.

Disclaimer: The views expressed within these conversations are personal and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the International Rescue Committee.