aequa Radio | Sarj & Alexandra Lily Kather

With Sarj

Today’s show is dedicated to transformative justice. Transformative justice is an approach to accountability and making things right that goes beyond the punitive systems we are most often familiar with in global north and western cultures. It is a radical approach to justice — that is, addressing harm not only in individual instances but going beyond that to target the root causes and work to create environments where the harm is less likely to happen to begin with. It is an abolitionist approach to justice that is focused, first and foremost, on systemic change. It’s based on the idea that another world is possible, which is why we at aequa love it. Sarj is joined by advocate Alexandra Lily Kather of the Emergent Justice Collective, who discusses how their collective is taking an intersectional approach to international justice and accountability processes. Tune in to learn more, hear readings about transformative justice movements, and reflect on questions on how we can build this change together.

aequa is a community for social equity, with a Community Centre in Berlin Wedding. We are an intersectional community of people brought together by our shared vision of a world where everyone can thrive. Through daily practices of solidarity and mutual support, together we explore both our individual potential and our collective power.
 As always, tracklist and links to buy the music will be available at: Emergent Justice Collective