aequa Radio | Sarj

With Sarj

aequa stands for social equity. We exist because of a vision of a world where everyone can thrive, regardless of contexts or identities we are born into.

In this episode of aequa Radio, Sarj and guests discuss the current plight of Palestinians in Gaza, as well as the oppressive situation here in Germany. First, we have an interview with Dr Shir Hever from Jewish Voice For Peace, and later in the show we’ll be speaking with local demonstrator and writer Jara Nassar. Unfortunately representatives of Palestine Speaks were not able to join due to time contraints but we encourage everyone to follow them on social media to find out the most up-to-date information about solidarity actions you can join.  Article shared by Dr Hever in the show:


JOIN upcoming solidarity demonstrations in your area

SUPPORT the people most impacted in your communities

FOLLOW Palestine Speaks, Jewish Voice for Peace, Judische Stimme

DONATE TO PCRF Organization that provides aid directly in Gaza (although currently the aid is blocked by Israel)

DONATE TO fundraiser to support legal aid for free speech and solidary actions in europe (Goes to ELSC and Palästina Kampagne)

SIGN petition against the genocide (DE)

SEND AN EMAIL to the Gov in DE, NL, UK, NL, BE

BUY MUSIC FROM THE SHOW, will be posted here soon: