aequa Radio: Evacuation and Exile from Gaza | Sarj & Nabil Heine

With Sarj

aequa stands for social equity. We are an intersectional network of people and projects connected by our shared vision of a world in which everyone can thrive, regardless of the contexts or identities we are born or forced into. Together, we explore hope as a practice, becoming more capable together and growing our collective power in the process.

On today’s show, we’ll speak to Palestinian organizer Nabil Heine, who has been living and studying and here in Berlin, who recently had to evacuate his family out of Gaza to escape the violence of the IOF. We’ll hear from him about what the process was like from grassroots fundraising through the bureaucracy in Cairo through to the evacuation at Rafah crossing, and some thoughts on what it means for his family, native Gazans, to now have to live in exile from their homes and much of their family, who remain trapped under siege in the Gaza Strip.

Support Nabil's family's Gaza evacuations on GoFundMe

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