
Glyn Maier

Glyn Maier is a sound artist and field recordist living in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina.

Non-city outdoor spaces are essential to Maier’s practice. With a formal education in physics and music composition, Maier’s preoccupations with natural objects, landscapes, and their social histories guide his recordings, which are then integrated into ambient electronic works utilizing organic rhythms and complex timbres. Maier’s abstract synthesis work is deeply informed by sound design, but his larger focus is on the agency of both machine and environment.

Another facet of Maier’s sonic practice is enmossed, the label he founded in 2017. Dedicated to contemporary sound, all profits are donated to positive causes of the artist’s choice, and materials for the tapes and records are hand-constructed out of recycled materials. Its catalogue of records and cassettes is distributed internationally by shops such as Boomkat (UK), 3345 (Netherlands), Noise Kitchen (Czechia), Rope Editions (Korea), and Tobira Records (Japan).